Mac: Delete old local snapshots

Show the commands to delete old snapshots: sudo tmutil listlocalsnapshots / | sed ‘s/.*TimeMachine./sudo tmutil deletelocalsnapshots /g;s/.local$//g’

Use TouchID instead of password to authenticate for sudo

Add this line at the top of /etc/pam.d/sudo: auth sufficient For more information, see here.

Moving to a new mac

Things to remember next time: Applications/Macports: Save a list of applications and requested Macports ls /Applications > applications.txt sudo port -qv installed | cut -d ‘ ‘  -f 3 | sort -u > myports.txt sudo port echo requested | cut -d ‘ ‘ -f 1 | sort -u > requested.txt On new mac: Remove shadow […]

Mac Word Start/End of line

Most Mac applications use ctrl-a and ctrl-e (option-a/e) to move to the beginning resp. end of line. Mac Word does by default not. To set this up: Start Word In the menu select Tools | Customize Keyboard… Select All Commands in the Category pane Search for OfLine. This shows the commands EndOfLine and StartOfLine in the Command pane. […]

Upgrading MacPorts when upgrading to a new version of Mac OS X or to a new Mac

This is a quick list of the steps necessary to make your MacPorts installation work when upgrading to a new version of Mac OS X. 1. Pre-upgrade/Old mac: Clean up old MacPorts installation You may want first to do port selfupdate etc to upgrade to the newest version of MacPorts. Also remove all unnecessary packages etc. […]

Reset a Mac Password

If you forget your mac password there is a quite easy way to reset it again.

Resetting your Mac’s PRAM and NVRAM

Sometimes it is unfortunately necessary to reset your Mac.

Emacs: I-search []:

Ctrl-S should normally start a search forward when using Emacs. But in Carbon Emacs (for Mac) this breaks

Make external drives mount at Mac boot

Sometimes it is nice to make external drives mount at boot (and not only when a user logs in) on your mac.

Change default background for Mac Logon Screen