Moving to a new mac
Things to remember next time:
Applications/Macports: Save a list of applications and requested Macports
ls /Applications > applications.txt sudo port -qv installed | cut -d ' ' -f 3 | sort -u > myports.txt sudo port echo requested | cut -d ' ' -f 1 | sort -u > requested.txt
On new mac:
Remove shadow from screen shots: (see here)
defaults write disable-shadow -bool TRUE
Other settings
- Control Centre, setup modules
- Desktop and Dock: Fix size, disable latest files, fix hot corners
- Display: Change arrangement
- Touch ID: Add enough fingers
- Internet Accounts: Setup stuff
- Keyboard: Add keyboard navigation, input sources (EU+DK), shortcuts for changing input source
- Mouse, trackpad: Fix speed etc
Also consider:
- Check Account Recovery in Apple setup
- Check Accessibility, Display, Color filters